
Become a Charity

What is a Charity

What qualifies as a charity for the platform?

To requirements to use the platform as a charity you must be a registered Charitable organization operating in the U.S, E.U, UK, Australia or UAE. To then make use of the platform, you will also need to offer some commitments, such as providing regular video or photo updates of your project and have an active YouTube account of similar. That’s it, if you can provide the details or have access to the above, you can use The Creator Share to connect with social media influencers and start your fundraising campaigns.


Why become a Charity and its Conditions

  1. A chance to connect with content creators and social media influencers who want to promote your causes and projects.
  2. Free fundraising facilities
  3. The best opportunity to be seen and heard without any advertising bills.
  4. Advice from industry experts on how to be successful with social media fundraising.

Countless amazing charities are doing such fantastic work all around the world. One thing they all have in common is the strain and demands placed upon them for fundraising.

Finding a voice in the busy online world is not always easy for charities. Spending funds on advertising is something most charities are not willing to do also.

The Creator Share provides a solution by creating a space where conscious content creators have gathered and agreed to offer their voice for causes and charities in need.

Some content creators reach millions of people a week, other thousands and others hundreds. Those persons they do reach might be your next donor, fundraiser, or your next support community for your charity and its work.

When a content creator becomes an ambassador for your charity, their audience will, in turn, hear about your ongoing fundraisers. Due to this, Charities who usually reach a smaller support network can now branch out and get a more extensive support network, with many more potential donors.

You can search the profiles of content creators and see their interests in the world of charity. Creating an easy way to connect with, present to, and find ambassadors who believe in the type of work your charity does.

They will then provide you with free advertising for your ongoing fundraisers. In return, you will give the creator and their social media community real-time video updates. Keep them informed, engaged, and behind your charity and its work.

Many charities and projects need that one viral video. Or that one public voice or perhaps even many smaller public voices to help find those donors who can make their work happen. The Creator Share is a new opportunity in the world of charity and social media to make that happen.