

What is a Creator

What qualifies as a creator?

To use the Creator share platform as a creator or social media influencer is very simple. You need only to have a social media following, audience or community of any size. It does not matter how big or small your following is or which platform it is on, so long as your voice is reaching people. Among those that follow you on social media may be the person who has a little extra to help someone in need so even with a smaller following, for those in need it’s worth getting involved.

You of course will need to agree that you will share your voice, be it in video mentions, a post on your pages or any groups you are in or run or even a mailshot to a mailing list you might have.


Why become a Creator and its Conditions

  1. An opportunity to help projects that are supporting people, animals, and environmental issues in crisis. By sharing your voice on their behalf.
  2. Support charities, events, and social change that aligns with your core beliefs and wants for the planet.
  3. Real-time video updates from the charities you support. Meaning you can provide real-time content to your followers about your and your community's impact in the world.
  4. It is entirely free for you and the charities.

Right now, social media is the new media. We hope to play a role in altering how it grows, is used, and relates to charity, and we need your help to do it.

The premise is simple: we ask conscious content creators and social media influencers to share a little of their time, social media reach, and love with persons, animals, and causes in crisis. Unlike mainstream media, however, we are asking you to do this for free. Free, you say!? Well, hear us out.

We believe content creators can be part of a profound change in this world if they work together. We ask that you take just a few minutes a month to write a post about or speak about in a video a person, animal, cause, or situation that a charity is trying to help. Informing your subscribers, followers or community can share that help with a call to action on how your community can support the cause.

The charity is then obligated to provide you with real-time updates via video and photos showing the impact your voice has had. This allows you to post real-time updates on the changes your voice and the community that heard it are making in the world.

Many charities are doing fantastic work worldwide but are limited as their voice is not reaching as many as it could. Those in crisis today need help and a voice to speak for them. The person they need to be heard by might be in your community, who knows. By getting involved, you can help by becoming the bridge between those who can help and those who need help.

The goal of the creator share is to connect conscious social media influencers and content creators with trusted vetted charities and causes needing to be seen and heard around the world.

We hope you will join the movement today and help us change the face of charitable work and social media forever.