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How The Creator Share works

About Us

A place for creators

The Creator Share provides a secure space for content creators to find reputable charities and projects for which they are willing to become ambassadors. The simple act of sharing your voice as a creator with our charities and projects can have a tremendously positive impact on charities' awareness and work. A few posts and a video mention that can change lives; we know we have seen it repeatedly.

Charities using the creator share must provide real-time video updates at specific intervals. This means all creators using the platform can provide live feedback to their communities about how their support changes lives and our world.

A place for charities

The Creator Share charity portal allows charities to find and partner with content creators and social media influencers worldwide. These partnerships provide a voice, free promotion, and advertising, raising awareness for the charity’s projects and the changes they are making.

The Creator Share also offers free fundraising pages, providing an easy way for Creators and charities to ask for help towards their goals.

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About Us

Real-time video updates on every project

With The Creator Share, charities using the service must provide real-time video and photo updates about any funded projects. Meaning donors can see the impact and changes their support makes possible in the world with their own eyes and in real-time.

A Free service

Yes, The Creator Share is completely free.

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Helping every walk of life

The Creator believes that all life is sacred; therefore, we allow charities of all kinds to join the platform. Children in crisis, animals in trouble, or environmental issues are equally important here at The Creator Share.

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Promoted Causes