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Who we are

About Us

Our Beliefs

We believe that the voice of all people, animals, and causes in crisis should be heard.

Charities should not pay hefty advertising bills to mainstream media and big tech companies. Commodifying a person asking for help is no longer acceptable or required in our current age of technology. That love is plentiful in humanity, but the technology is not yet entirely in place to make use of that.

Our Vision

Humanity has made it the norm to commodify speaking on behalf of those in need. We believe we can change that by asking social media influencers, content creators, celebrities, and anyone with a community or following to share their time and voice for free with those in need.

Our Mission
About Us

Our Mission

Connectivity - Connecting as many content creators and charities to support one another in building a better world as we possibly can.

Transparency – First of all, we are keeping our platform free; alongside that, we are ensuring charities provide real-time video updates for all the funded projects. It is a step towards putting the trust back into charities by showing exactly where donations manifest change.

Changing social norms – We believe we can change the social normalities around fundraising and social media. We can do this by appealing to people to speak on behalf of those in need. In sharing a little time, we know letting the joy and fulfilment found there becomes more than enough payment to keep coming back to help projects in crisis.


Meet our Founder

Creator's Name
John St Julien
At present, I am working alone on the creator share platform, but naturally I hope that will change. Until then I'm John the founder and visionary of the creator share platform.